Welcome to Maple Press Store for Course Readers


Maple Press Store for Students:
To place your order, use the form above, start to type a few letters of the Course Name, Course Number, or Instructor Name, …. after typing 3 letters, your options will appear. You can select from the list to open, and add the readers to your shopping cart. You might want to browse the readers on our indexes, as well. The lists are located on main menu under the Course Readers, where they are categorized by Department, or Instructors’ Name in an alphabetical ascending order.
Course readers are non-refundable. 
Orders for store pickup will be ready in a few hours
Orders received to be mailed will be shipped the next business day.
For international shipping please call or email us.

Note: Name of each course reader is concatenated of:
For instance: BUS-173A-01-JONES

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Maple Press Store for Faculty & Staff:
Click here to open the Order Form [for instructors only].